Using dual modes of action, Besiege® provides broad-spectrum control of lepidopteran, sucking and chewing insect pests by contact, ingestion and ovicidal action. This foliar-applied insecticide provides rapid knockdown and long-lasting residual control in row, specialty and vegetable crops.
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Start the annual fight against weeds with the lightning-fast burndown of Gramoxone® SL 3.0 herbicide. Formulated for optimum efficiency, the increased active ingredient load leads to lower application volumes and reduced handling. Backed by knowledgeable Syngenta field sales representatives and agronomists, Gramoxone SL 3.0 provides trusted brand performance against tough weeds like Palmer amaranth, waterhemp and barnyardgrass.
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The hardest-working, longest-lasting fungicide with preventive and curative control of rusts, leaf spots and blights, Trivapro® fits easily into fungicide programs. With excellent plant-health benefits, Trivapro helps boost corn, wheat and soybean potential yield under high or low disease pressure.
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